1. Introduction

The purpose of this very brief assignment is to make sure that you can view videos for this course using Quicktime since you will have to view two videos in order to complete the graded paper.

The video for this assignment can be viewed at either of the two following URLs:
Small Image (faster download):
Large Image:

This is a video of the first Simon meeting from an earlier semester. (Both the student playing Mr. Simon and the student playing the lawyer have given permission for future students to view this video.) The video is about 13 minutes long but you only need to watch the first 2 minutes for this assignment. Look at Question 3 below and then pay attention to the time codes as you watch the first 2 minutes in order to answer the question.

To view the videos, the QuickTime software must be installed on the computer you are using. To download this software for free, click on the following link: http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/

The deadline for completing this assignment is before the class where the second Simon Exercise is conducted so any questions about problems accessing the videos can be resolved by email or answered in class before you begin work on the paper after the Second Simon Exercise.

Question Title

* 1. Your Last Name

Question Title

* 2. Your First Name

Question Title

* 3. In this video of the First Simon Meeting from a prior semester, the student lawyer says "There are just a couple of exceptions to that .." starting at which of the following time codes: