Dear Alumni,

The Verdigre Alumni Association, partnering with the Knox County Development Agency (KCDA) needs your help in identifying strategies to recruit new families to the county. In order to achieve this goal, we are asking that you will fill out the enclosed survey to help us identify alumni who would consider moving back home and what type of opportunity would have to exist to make that a possibility.

If we can identify what it would take to bring people back, even if the opportunity isn't available now, it would help us create a long term strategy to create those opportunities. The KCDA is a county-wide economic development organization made up of representatives from all communities in Knox County. We work to encourage development and enhance quality of life in Knox County. We believe that having a successful alumni recruitment strategy will ensure the long term viability of our communities as well as having the satisfaction of assisting alumni who truly want to return home.

Below are a few examples of how we plan to implement our strategy with your much needed feedback:

Knox County Roots
Knox County Roots is a networking program that aims to assist alumni who would consider moving back to Knox County if a certain situation would occur or job would become available. The confidential list is monitored and if an opportunity becomes available that matches, individuals are contacted.

Clustering of opportunities
After our survey, if we identify a recurring type of job request that several alumni have indicated, we may have the opportunity to recruit a business based on our documentation of an identified labor force

Other feedback
From your feedback, we can identify missing quality of life amenities that might be holding you back from moving home. We may not be able to address everything, but by identifying your needs, we can try to solve as many of them as we can.


Matt Cerny
Knox County Economic Development Director