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* 1. Is the one flesh bond the essence of marriage?

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* 2. Does the one flesh union extend beyond the sexual union between two people?

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* 3. Does the entire discussion of one flesh union in Genesis take place without reference to procreation?

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* 4. Is bonding as the essence of marriage sufficient evidence to support same-sex marriages?

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* 5. Is it true that there is nothing inherent in Scripture which excludes committed gay or lesbian unions as one flesh unions?

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* 6. Are the Bible’s normal references to the sun moving around the earth and its statements in support of slavery relevant to considering whether its statements on sexual actions are normative for all times?

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* 7. Is there anything inherent in the Bible's discussion of one flesh unions that not only assumes but also requires such unions to take place only between a male and a female?

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* 8. Does to the fact that kinship is the heart of the one flesh union, indicate that same-sex unions involving long-term commitments to shared life can fulfill this requirement?

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* 9. Does making a case for the position that bonding is at the heart of biblical kinship above and beyond being of the same flesh and blood suffice to exclude from the essence of marriage that it be between one man and one woman?

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* 10. Does Professor Brownson's arguments for bonding being of the essence of marriage contribute to his ultimate goal of serving as evidence that the church should accept same-sex marriage?

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