
We’re glad you're part of SmallGroups.com. It’s important for us to hear how the site is meeting your needs and how we can minister to you in the future. Please complete this brief, 10-question survey and we’ll give you a $10 coupon to use on BuildingChurchLeaders.com after completion.

Question Title

* 1. How are you involved in small group ministry?

Question Title

* 2. Your small group consists of (check all that apply):

Question Title

* 3. The age range of members in your small group are:

Question Title

* 4. You have been visiting SmallGroups.com for:

Question Title

* 5. You visit SmallGroups.com because:

Question Title

* 6. When you are using a download or resource in your small group, you usually:

Question Title

* 7. On a scale of 1-5, how do you feel about the selection of material on SmallGroups.com (1--very limited; 5--very extensive)

Question Title

* 8. On a scale of 1-5, please rank your level of usage for each area of SmallGroups.com (1--I use this section rarely; 5--I use this section quite frequently)

  1 2 3 4 5
SmallGroup Dynamics Blog
SmallGroup's connect tool
Bible Studies
Training Packs
Assessment Packs
Q&A with Small-Groups Panel
Darryl's Dilemma

Question Title

* 9. How useful would each of these topics be to you as a Small Group download?

  This would be very useful This would be somewhat useful This would probably not be useful
Making a Case for Small Groups
Meaningful Groups for Young Adults
Keeping Your Group Connected to the Larger Church
Empowering Others
Orientation Guide for Small-Group Pastors and Directors
Are You Engaging Everyone in Your Group?
Leveraging Social Media for Small-Group Ministry

Question Title

* 10. What SmallGroups.com download topics would you like to see us cover in the next year?