Question Title

* 1. Did you attend "Scleroderma: an Odyssey for One" in person, or did you view it as a webinar?

Question Title

* 2. How did you hear about the presentation?

Question Title

* 3. Did you attend or watch with family and/or friend(s)?

Question Title

* 4. Please rate how well you agree with the following statements:

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Disagree Nor Agree Agree Strongly Agree
Dr. Tyndall's talk was relevant to me.
Dr. Tyndall's talk was educational.

Question Title

* 5. Please rate how well you believe that Dr. Tyndall understands your needs/the needs of a Scleroderma patient.

Question Title

* 6. Please rate how easy it was to understand the presentation.

Question Title

* 7. Please rate how well you agree with the following statements:

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Disagree Nor Agree Agree Strongly Agree
The presentation was easy to hear.
The presentation slides were easy to see.
The presentation slides were relevant and useful.

Question Title

* 8. Please rate how well you agree with the following statements:

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Disagree Nor Agree Agree Strongly Agree N/A
The venue was appealing and appropriate.
The refreshments were enjoyable.
Parking was easy to find.

Question Title

* 9. Please rate "Scleroderma: an Odyssey for One" on a scale from 1 to 10, with 1 representing an awful presentation and 10 representing an excellent presentation.

Question Title

* 10. If you have any additional comments about the presentation, please write them here.