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* 1. The PJ Our Way Design Team is the face of PJ Our Way! Design Team members create reviews and videos for the national website, and participate in monthly online workshops and author interviews. Fill out the following application with your child so that we can learn why YOUR CHILD would be perfect for our Team!

Note: This year's Design Team will be chosen from our 10 Pilot Communities only. To apply, your child needs to live in one of the following places: Baltimore, Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit, Marks JCH (Brooklyn), Miami, North Shore (MA), Seattle, Silicon Valley, or St. Louis.

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* 2. What is the name of your child's school and what grade are they in?

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* 3. What are some of your child's hobbies, interests, and extra-curricular activities?

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* 4. What Jewish activities, if any, has your child participated in after school and/or during the summer? This can include religious school, a youth movement, summer camp, synagogue, etc.

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* 5. Design Team members come from all around the country and create the content that is featured on the PJ Our Way national website. Why does your child think he or she would be a good member of the Team?

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* 6. Please have your child answer the following questions: What special skills do you have that would especially help PJ Our Way and the Design Team? What past experience would you bring to the Team? Include experiences with video production, writing, publishing, art, computers, and other things that you think are relevant.

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* 7. Being a part of the Design Team requires initiative, responsibility, cooperation with team members, creative thinking, and follow-through. Please ask your child to give an example of a time he or she used one or more of these skills.

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* 8. What does it mean to your child to be Jewish? Please ask your child to describe the role that Judaism plays in his or her life.

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* 9. This is the chance for your child to create! Ask you child the following: Think about a book you love. Now imagine it is your job to let the world know about this book. You don't have to tell the whole story- just make it so interesting that someone else would want to read it! To do this, please create and send to us one of the following:

• A video clip: This clip should be under one minute. It can be uploaded to YouTube or sent as a file.
• A book review: This review should be 50 words or less. Please send it as a PDF.

Please send your child's creative work, LABELED WITH YOUR CHILD'S NAME AND THE NAME OF THE BOOK to:

In the box below tell us what creative piece you are sending. If it is a YouTube clip, please also add the link.

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Thank you and Shanah Tovah,

Saskia Swenson Moss
Design Team Director

CREATIVE WORK AND APPLICATION MUST BE SUBMITTED BY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2014 <br><br>Thank you and Shanah Tovah,<br><br>Saskia Swenson Moss<br>Design Team Director<br><br>