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* 1. What is your first name?

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* 2. What is your last name?

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* 3. What is your email address?

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* 4. Are you a Goalie Forward or D?

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* 5. How old are you? You must be 14 years of age or older to apply. If you are an extremely committed beer leaguer, you are more than welcome to apply - I have had great success with you guys and I love your passion.

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* 6. Which payment plan fits your budget?

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* 7. Tell me a little about yourself. Where do you currently play and what is your goal? Are you serious about trying to make it to the next level?  What would that "next level" be for you? 

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* 8. Do you currently have any injuries or limitations that affect your ability to train? It's okay if you do, I just want to know about it ahead of time.  If the answer is "Yes", please explain in the "Other" section below.

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* 9. Are you currently doing any off-ice training? If so, could you briefly describe what you are doing? I am not trying to evaluate your fitness, just get a sense of where you are coming from. If you are not doing anything right now, that is fine too.

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* 10. Have you used any of my other online training programs to take your game to the next level? If so, which one(s)?

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* 11. Are you 100% committed to making the most of this opportunity to Turn Pro? It is not enough to have 'goals' - without taking the right action, you will never achieve them. Check 'Yes' below if you are ready to take the right action.

If you are not 100% committed or just want to see if you could get accepted then check 'No' below, this is not the right option for you.

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* 12. Are you able to make the investment in this program. I don't want you to spend money you do not have or cannot afford, so please do not over extend yourself.

If your parents will be making this investment in your future, you must check with them first before answering this question. Do not answer 'Yes' unless you know that it is feasible for your family.

I have lots of other training programs that do not include a coaching component or in-person training at the Revolution Gym, which may better suit your budget at this time. That's cool.

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* 13. How will the opportunity to get private coaching from me help you in your quest to become the dominant goalie in your league?

Thank you for your application. Once the submissions have be reviewed, successful applicants will be contacted at the email provided above within 3-days and we will schedule your phone consultation, which is the final stage of the application process. 

Don't be frustrated if you don't make it this time, some of my best clients did not get accepted the first time around, you can always apply again.