What is Transportation for Tomorrow all about?

To ensure our road network services the needs of our community, the District of Lake Country is completing a 20-year comprehensive road network plan called Transportation for Tomorrow.

The plan’s vision is: 'Getting Around Lake Country in Safe and Enjoyable Ways'. The vision reflects that the road network serves a variety of users ranging from transport trucks, passenger vehicles, transit, bicycles and pedestrians.

The Transportation for Tomorrow plan addresses roadway maintenance, road renewal and transportation improvements over the next 20 years, clearly defining the level of service that will be achieved and what it will cost to take care of and improve our transportation network.

Our current annual shortfall to achieve a sustainable level of funding needed to reasonably take care of what we currently own is $1,500,000. This equates to approximately $250 per year per average household based on assessed value (e.g. approx. $50 per $100,000 assessed value).

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