
We said it was a bold ... some said crazy... move: Launch a newspaper in little more than three weeks from
idea to reality; trust the public to support it because of a shared political dream; test public reaction and give it a week to prove itself. It may have been crazy but it seems to be working.

We hope we have lived up to the aspirations of our readers, and that we continue to do so in the weeks and months ahead. We are the first to admit that our first steps in this world have not been perfect, but we believe that we have established a blueprint for an engaging and passionate newspaper.

Over to you, this is your chance to let us know what you think of Scotland’s newest daily newspaper.
What are we doing right and what would you like to see more of? Your opinion is crucial to our continued success, so we have put together a short survey to gage reaction and to find out a little bit more about our readers.

It should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete and we will randomly select 5 winners to receive a token of our thanks.