
Georgia Institute of Technology
Human Subject Consent and Release Form

1. Project Title: Using Instructional Design Techniques to Create Distance CS Education to Support In-Service Teachers

2. Principal Investigator:  Mark Guzdial, Professor/School of Interactive Computing, College of Computing.

3. Introduction/Purpose(s) of the Research:  The broad purpose of this research study is to create new kinds of electronic books to teach computer science. These will be made available via a Web browser and possibly through mobile devices.  We aim to teach the kinds of computer science needed in the new Computer Science: Principles course. By agreeing to participate, your use of the online materials will be recorded (so that we know how the materials are being used), you will be asked to take a quiz (to measure how much you learned) and answer a survey (on how the materials worked for you and how they might be improved).  We may ask to interview you, so that we can see how the materials help you with programming. 

4. Procedure 
A. Background Survey: We will ask you to complete a short initial survey, about who you are, your background, and what you teach. You will also be given a pre-
assessment to determine the amount of knowledge you begin with related to the material. The survey and pre-assessment should take no more than 30 minutes each to complete.

B. Materials: You will be given a URL for a set of learning materials.  The materials will present lessons (some in audio and some in video) and will ask you to solve computer science problems. Information collected from your use of the materials will be encoded and reported in publications in an anonymous way.

C. Quiz: At various points of completion you will be asked to complete quizzes to measure your knowledge of the materials.  Each of these quizzes should take no longer than 30 minutes.

D. Post-Assessment: Upon completion of the learning materials, you will be asked to complete a post-assessment consisting of multiple-choice questions. This assessment should take no longer than 1 hour.

E. Materials Survey: You may be given a survey that will ask you about your perceptions of the learning materials, what was effective about them, and what was ineffective. The surveys should take no longer than 30 minutes.

F. Follow-up Survey and Interview: You may be invited to complete a follow-up survey concerning your participation in the study. We may also ask to interview you, so that we can see how the materials help you with learning and teaching programming. Interviews may be conducted in person or remotely (i.e., Skype, Google Hangout).

5. Foreseeable Risks or Discomforts: There are no foreseeable risks or discomforts in this study, other than those in normal computer use.

6. Benefits: There is no expected economic or health benefit for individual participants.  You may be provided with educational benefits through participation in the studies. Your participation in this study will benefit the program and the National Science Foundation by providing information about how to assist teachers who are trying to learn to teach computer science.

7. Compensation/Costs: There is no compensation for participation.

8. Confidentiality: The following procedures will be followed to keep your personal information confidential in this study:  The data collected about you will be kept private to the extent allowed by law. If we use any of the information you provide in surveys, interviews, meetings and your online activities, your identity will be protected. All transcribed data will be kept in locked files and only study staff will be allowed to look at them.  Your name, email address and any other fact that might point to you will not appear when results of this study are presented or published. To make sure that this research is being carried out in the proper way, the Georgia Institute of Technology IRB will review study records.

 9. Injury/Adverse Reactions: Reports of injury or reaction should be made to Mark Guzdial at (404) 894-5618. Neither the Georgia Institute of Technology nor the principal investigator has made provision for payment of costs associated with any injury resulting from participation in this study.

10. Contact Persons: If you have questions about the research, call or write Mark Guzdial at: College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, 30332, (404) 894-7556.

11. Voluntary Participation/Withdrawal: You have rights as a research volunteer. Taking part in this study is completely voluntary. If you do not take part, you will have no penalty. You may stop taking part in this study at any time with no penalty. If you have any questions about your rights as a research volunteer, you may contact Ms. Melanie Clark, Office of Research Integrity Assurance, Georgia Institute of Technology at (404) 894-6942.

You may print a copy of this consent form for your records.

By clicking the Next button below you agree that you are at least 18 years old, have obtained a bachelor's degree, and you consent to volunteer for this study.