This survey is designed to gather feedback from constituents about the recommendations made by the 2012-2013 Competitive Events Taskforce. Input from this survey will be shared with the Board of Directors prior to an official vote.

Question Title

* 2. The first recommendation is to create a new competitive event called "Personal Financial Literacy Event" to begin with the 2014-2015 school year. The event would include 1 role-play with a judge and a comprehensive exam. This event would be positioned similarly to the Principles of Business Management and Administration Events and would be specifically for first year DECA members.

Based on survey results received from students, classroom advisors, and chartered association advisors, the taskforce realized that many students are required to take a course related to personal finance. Offering an event aligning with personal financial literacy curriculum standards would position DECA to serve a growing segment of the student population.

Based on this information do you feel offering an event called Personal Financial Literacy is going in the right direction or wrong direction?

Question Title

* 3. The second recommendation is to create a new competitive event called "Financial Consulting Event" to begin with the 2014-2015 school year. The event would include a prepared presentation with a judge and a comprehensive exam. This event would be positioned similarly to the Professional Selling Events with a new focus provided annually in the DECA Guide.

Currently there are two career pathways within the finance cluster that DECA does not have corresponding competitive events – insurance and banking services. The proposed Financial Consulting Event would allow students to learn about banking services and/or insurance depending on the given topic. The proposed event would position DECA to offer an upper-level event within the finance cluster where a gap currently exists.

Based on this information do you feel offering an event called Financial Consulting is going in the right direction or wrong direction?

Question Title

* 4. The third recommendation is to not reinstate DECA Quiz Bowl as a competitive event.

Based on survey results received from students, classroom advisors, and chartered association advisors, the taskforce felt that DECA Quiz Bowl does not fit within the Competitive Events Program Framework at this time. Several alternatives to Quiz Bowl were discussed but alternatives were too costly or were not as rigorous as other competitive events.

Based on this information do you feel that not reinstating DECA Quiz Bowl as a competitive event is going in the right direction or wrong direction?

Question Title

* 5. Finally, the taskforce created crosswalks to help classroom advisors document in lesson plans how DECA activities support 21st Century Skills and Common Core State Standards. Crosswalks can be viewed at

Based on this information, do you feel that demonstrating DECA's connection to and support of 21st Century Skills and Common Core State Standards is going in the right direction or wrong direction?