Local authority support for tenants in the private rented sector (PRS)

Dear colleague,

This is a brief survey designed to collect information from you about the support that your local authority offers to tenants in the private rented sector (this applies to England bureaux only). We aim to use the information you provide to develop a model for local authorities to help them improve their services for renters.

The survey takes approximately 10 minutes. Please provide as much information as you can, but please don't worry if you don't know all of the answers.

This work to help local authorities better support private renters is part of a service-wide campaign to improve the private rented sector nationally. We really cannot do this without your support- please help us get a better deal for private tenants.

If your bureau covers more than one local authority, please fill out separate surveys for each one.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Lee Forster-Kirkham (lee.forster-kirkham@citizensadvice.org.uk) or Mel Nowicki (melanie.nowicki@citizensadvice.org.uk).

Thank you for your help.