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* 1. Please indicate your gender below:

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* 2. Please indicate your age category below:

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* 3. What team(s) do you currently coach?

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* 4. How many years have you coached GAA teams?

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* 5. What level(s) of the GAA Coaching Education programme have you completed?

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* 6. Do you currently have any qualifications related to sport (ranging from short courses to PHD?).

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* 7. If yes to above question, please give details of the type of qualifications you have.

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* 8. Please rank the following variables in order of importance with regards to how you gained your current knowledge on warm up and stretching (1=most important, 5=least important).

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* 9. How often do you update your knowledge in the field of best warm up and stretching practices?

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* 10. Do your players carry out an aerobic warm up routine before your training sessions?

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* 11. If yes to the above question, what type of warm up do they carry out? Please tick all appropriate boxes.

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* 12. If yes, how long approximately does the aerobic warm up usually take?

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* 13. Do you ever recommend the use of any passive warm up techniques during the warm up such as the use of heat creams/ heat packs/ massage?

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* 14. If yes to the above question, briefly explain the type of passive warm up technique used and the purpose of it/ benefits you believe it offers.

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* 15. Do your players carry out stretching before, after or in between different parts of the aerobic warm up? Please tick all appropriate boxes.

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* 16. If yes, which of the following best describes the type of stretching you use? Please tick all appropriate boxes.

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* 17. How long does the stretching usually take?

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* 18. If you use static stretching, please state the duration of time you advise your players to hold the stretch for, how many reps and sets.

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* 19. If you use PNF stretching, please state the duration of time you advise your players to hold the stretch for, how many reps and sets.

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* 20. If you use dynamic stretching, what tempo would you recommend for your players?

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* 21. Do you think that the amount of recovery between the stretching/ warm up period and training has an effect on an athlete’s performance?

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* 22. How long do you think the recovery between stretching/ warm up period and training should be?

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* 23. Are you aware of any disadvantages related to stretching on performance?

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* 24. If yes, please indicate the disadvantages you may be aware of and your thoughts regarding them.

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* 25. Are you aware of any disadvantages related to stretching causing increased risk of injury?

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* 26. If yes, please indicate the disadvantages you may be aware of and your thoughts regarding them.

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* 27. Please rank the following variables in order of importance with regards to what you think are the most important reasons for warm up and stretching:
(1= most important, 4= least important)

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* 28. (i) Briefly describe the different types of stretching below and
(ii) When it would be appropriate to use them: