
Golden Slide Rule and Distinguished Service Awards
Each year the Program Committee seeks nominations from the membership for two awards. The Executive Board believes these awards provide a unique opportunity to recognize some of the very special members of our organization. Co-workers, supervisors, or individuals who wish to self-nominate are encouraged to apply. All nominees must be full dues-paying members of MGEC. Nominations will be judged by the Program Committee on the basis of content, thoroughness, and completeness.

GOLDEN SLIDE RULE AWARD to recognize outstanding technical skills, superb writing and publication efforts, and for sharing expertise with their peers. This award recognizes significant and substantial achievements in the fields of engineering or land surveying based on any or all of the following categories:

A. Technical Achievement - achievements/ impacts in work unit, division, region, agency or profession; i.e. program/process development, process improvement, technical advance, cost savings, etc.
B. Societal Involvement - professional society leadership roles, committee activities, concept development or organizational contributions such as seminars, etc.
C. Partnerships - initiating/facilitating joint effort with other internal/external organizations.
D. Papers Submitted - published material resulting in significant contribution in organizational structure, method of operation/evaluation, new design; manuals, complicated reports, technical presentations, etc.
E. Scholastic Achievement - Masters or Ph.D., other honors.

DISTINGUISHED CITIZENSHIP AWARD, recognizing outstanding effort in civic or other community service, which has included both international and local service to a community, and/or for service to the MGEC community. This award recognizes significant and substantial contributions to community, based on any or all of the following categories:

A. Service in local, state or national politics - elected, appointed or volunteer activities.
B. Service in community, charitable or civic activities - duration of involvement, level of commitment to activity, impact on involvement on community, creation of program, etc.
C. Volunteer Work - type of work, length of involvement, time commitment, impact within organization or its customers/community, etc.
D. Military Service - combination of National Guard or Reserve service to state and country, community involvement with JROTC and ROTC through high schools and post secondary institutions.