Welcome to the Coach Management Assessment Profile (CMAP) and Targeted Coach Acceleration Program (TCAP)

(1) What is the study about?
The study has two stages; which include
Stage 1 of the project aims to validate the development of the Coach Management Assessment Profile (CMAP) tool which was designed to help coaches and professional sporting organisations map and evaluate their long term coach development pathways (LTCDP) and individual coaching needs.

The CMAP specifically is designed to
• Identify current skill assets and areas for future enhancement in sports coaching
• Provide a benchmark for coaches at all levels of the LTDCP
• Develop recommendations and feedback on the profile for further education and coaching

Stage 2 of the project aims to validate the effectiveness of education modules and targeted coaching strategies. The Targeted Coach Acceleration Program (TCAP) includes education modules which cover program management skills, leadership styles, critical thinking and self management skills. Coaching strategies include goal attainment, motivation and self reflection/ insight models and evaluation tasks.

(2) Who is carrying out the study?
The study is being conducted by Kim Cardile (PhD Candidate) and will form the basis for the degree of PhD undertaken at The University of Sydney under the supervision of Dr Anthony Grant Director of Coaching Psychology Unit, The University of Sydney, and Associate Professor Donna O’Connor Faculty of Education and Social Work, The University of Sydney

(3) What does the study involve?
If you choose to take part in the study you will be asked to participate in stage 1 and 2 of this research project. Both stages are completely voluntary.

Stage 1 involves completing one online CMAP questionnaire of approximately 193 questions inclusive of demographic information which will take around 25-35 minutes to complete.

In stage 2 of the research project participants will be allocated to 1 of 5 conditions.

Group 1- is the control group which receives no education or coaching intervention and after 4 weeks, the participant will re-complete the CMAP questionnaire.

Group 2- will receive 4 education modules taking 1 hour each in a face to face workshop.They will also complete pre and post intervention assessment including the Goal Attainment Scale GAS taking 5-10 minutes, and the Self Reflection and Insight Scale SRIS-IN which will take 5 minutes. then re complete the CMAP questionnaire.

Group 3- will receive 4 education modules taking 1 hour each in a face to face workshop, plus weekly follow up coaching sessions, then re complete the CMAP questionnaire. They will also complete pre and post intervention assessment including the Goal Attainment Scale GAS taking 5-10 minutes, and the Self Reflection and Insight Scale SRIS-IN which will take 5 minutes.

Group 4- will receive 4 online education modules. They will also complete pre and post intervention assessment including the Goal Attainment Scale GAS taking 5-10 minutes, and the Self Reflection and Insight Scale SRIS-IN which will take 5 minutes.Then re-complete the CMAP questionnaire.

Group 5- will receive 4 online education modules, plus weekly follow up coaching sessions, then re complete the CMAP questionnaire. They will also complete pre and post intervention assessment including the Goal Attainment Scale GAS taking 5-10 minutes, and the Self Reflection and Insight Scale SRIS-IN which will take 5 minutes.

Participants completing Stage 2 will also be asked to respond to an overall program evaluation questionnaire on their satisfaction/ thoughts/ feedback consisting of 5 questions taking 5 minutes.

As per ethics requirements participant information and consent forms will be obtained as part of the online CMAP process