1. Classified Survey

Thank you for taking the time to provide needed information concerning your school. We value you as a classified employee, school partner and participant in the school improvement process. Your school and system can be identified by the survey in order to provide better application of funds for professional learning, instructional or personnel resources, and parent involvement tools. You, as an individual, cannot be identified from your responses in this survey. Please take a few moments to complete the following questions.

Question Title

* 1. I am a classified employee and work primarily with:

Question Title

* 2. Would training in any of the following areas enhance your skills as an employee? (Please select one area )

Question Title

* 3. Rate the importance of each of the following for retention of highly qualified, effective employees in your school. (Most important, important or not important)

  Most Important Important Not Important
Increased salary
Increased benefits
Professional learning relevant to job assignment
Increased support from supervisors
Increased support from administrators

Question Title

* 4. Rate each of the following as it relates to the safety of your school (Please select Agree, Disagree, or Not applicable)

  Agree Disagree Not Applicable
I feel safe when I enter this building at any time and/or any day.
Everyone’s racial and ethnic heritage is respected at this school.
This school’s faculty enforces school rules fairly and appropriately.
This school has adequate resources to help students in an emergency or crisis.
There is clear coordination between this school and other public agencies, such as the police, county juvenile probation, and county mental health.
There are clear protocols for staff and students to follow to prevent accidents.

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* 5. Is there an area of training that would provide assistance or needed resources to improve safety at your school?

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* 6. What professional learning opportunity (training, conference, workshop) has benefited you the most this year? (Select all that apply)

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* 7. Lamar County Schools has to plan for at least 1 % of Title I funds for parent involvement. Currently we fund school agendas, items for school’s parent resource room, parent night activities and other workshops for parents. We would like your input on how you feel we should spend the money for parent involvement. Please choose the one that you feel would best improve parent involvement. Do you have a suggestion that would help students be more successful in school or increase parent involvement? (Please select one)