This survey is designed to ensure that DACs have completed the required TCAP administration training and are familiar with TCAP administration procedures. It also serves as a tool for your feedback to help the Assessment Unit ensure that its trainings are high quality and relevant. Completion of this survey will serve as a record of your completion of the TCAP Test Administration Training for DACs

Question Title

* 1. Last Name

Question Title

* 2. First Name

Please take the following TCAP test administration quiz

Question Title

* 4. True or False: Foreign exchange students must take TCAP

Question Title

* 5. When completing a student bigraphical data grid for a sudent with the primary disability, "physical disability," which of the following is true?

Question Title

* 6. The three week testing window applies to:

Question Title

* 7. You suspect that a teacher may have provided students with test questions. When should you contact the Assessment Unit?

Question Title

* 8. Halfway through a test session, a teacher realizes that he is adminstering the wrong session. What is the proper order of the steps that should be taken to prevent a misadministration?

Please provide the Assessment Unit with feedback for this training

Question Title

* 9. This training was helpful

Question Title

* 10. I learned something new from this training

Question Title

* 11. Please provide any feedback you have including suggestions for improving furture trainings

Thank you for taking the time to complete the TCAP test administration training and providing feedback.