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* 1. How long have you been a client of The Barter Company?

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* 2. How did you first hear about The Barter Company?

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* 3. Which of the following best describes your motivation for joining The Barter Company?

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* 4. To what extent would you agree the The Barter Company has helped you grow your business?

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* 5. What approximate dollar figure has using barter saved your company annually?

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* 6. Have you tried any other bartering service?

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* 7. How satisfied are you with The Barter Company?

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* 8. How likely are you to recommend The Barter Company to others?

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* 9. What's the best way for us to send you information?

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* 10. Did you attend any of The Barter Company events last year, if so which one(s)?

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* 11. If you attended the Holiday Barter Show, please rate the event.

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* 12. Have you tried the new app from The Barter Company? If so, how would you rate it?

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* 13. Did you participate in the referral program last year? If so, how would you rate it?

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* 14. Do you follow us on social media? If so, which ones?

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* 15. What suggestions do you have to improve the service you receive from The Barter Company?

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* 16. What suggestions do you have to improve our website?

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* 17. Select which best describes your business:

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* 18. Would you like your name to be entered in a chance to win a $100 cash gift card? If so, please state your first and last name.