Information page


Question Title

Centre for Research in Autism and Education
UCL Institute of Education,
55-59 Gordon Square,
London WC1H 0NU

This questionnaire explores the topic of special interests in young people/adults as part of a research project at CRAE. We would like to find out the types of interests that different young people/adults have, how they come to have them as well as the way in which they learn more about their interest. A special interest can be something you spend most of your time on or even something that means a lot to you like a hobby or activity or it may be a sensory interest. We are looking to make comparisons between the special interests of autistic and non-autistic individuals in the hope of specifying further strategies for using special interests to support learning and social development in autistic individuals.


Please note that when completing the questionnaire you are not asked for your name or any other details by which you could be identified. All the answers you give will be kept strictly confidential and will be anonymous. Respondents IP addresses are not being stored and SSL Encryption is being used. All data is kept in a password protected electronic file or in a locked filing cabinet at the Institute of Education.

The information you provide will not be given to any person other than the researcher and supervisor involved.You are free to end the survey at any time by clicking on the 'exit survey' button on the top right hand corner of the page or by closing this browser, even after you have agreed to take part and started the questionnaire.

This research has been reviewed by the UCL Institute of Education's research ethics committee. If you have any questions about this study or would like to request a summary of the findings of the project upon completion, please contact:

Duration of the survey

This online questionnaire consists of tick-box questions as well as some questions that require a short-written answer. Please work through each page of the questionnaire in turn. This should take you no longer than 10 to 15 minutes to complete.

Agreeing to take part

Please choose the 'Agree' option to indicate that you have read the above information, that you consent to taking part in this survey and that you are over 16 years of age. Note that participation is entirely voluntary. If you do not wish to take part then please choose 'Disagree' or close your browser.

Question Title

* 1. I would like to take part in this survey.