Question Title

* 3. Is your brother or sister on treatment?

Question Title

* 4. Please read the following statements and rate your level of agreement with each one:

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree N/A
The kids in the DVD had the same kinds of issues and feelings that I have about my sibling with cancer
The examples in the DVD were WAY WORSE than the issues and feelings I have about my sibling with cancer.
The examples in the DVD were NOT AS BAD as the issues and feelings I have had about my sibling with cancer.
After watching this DVD, I have a much better understanding of the issues and feelings I have about my siblings with cancer.
After watching the DVD, I have thought about a few new ways that I can deal with the issues and feelings I have about my sibling with cancer.
After watching this DVD, I feel less alone in my experience of having a sibling with cancer.
Overall I liked this DVD and would tell others to watch it!

Question Title

* 5. If you'd like please feel free to share any thoughts you might have about the DVD.