Question Title

* 4. Is your child on treatment?

Question Title

* 5. Please read the following statements and rate your level of agreement with each one:

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree N/A
The content of the DVD accurately represented issues and feelings I have observed in the sibling(s) of my child with cancer.
The content of the DVD overstated issues and feelings I have observed in the sibling(s) of my child with cancer.
The content of the DVD understated issues and feelings I have observed in the sibling(s) of my child with cancer.
The content of the DVD increased my understanding of the issues and feelings my sibling children are dealing with.
The content of the DVD helped me to think of ways in which I could be more attentive to the issues and feelings of my sibling children.
After watching the DVD my child feels less alone in having a sibling with cancer
Overall, I experienced the DVD in a positive way.

Question Title

* 6. If you'd like please feel free to share any thoughts you might have about the DVD.