10% of survey complete.
Dear BVSC members

As you may already be aware Birmingham City Council is reviewing sexual health services and is proposing to make some significant changes in commissioning an integrated sexual health ‘system’.

A public consultation is running from Wednesday 9th October to Monday 9th December, and I have been appointed by Public Health to undertake the consultation with the identified priority groups which include:

• Children in need and care leavers
• Substance misusers
• Offenders
• LGBT people
• People with mental health issues
• People with learning disabilities
• Homeless people
• Sex workers
• Gypsies and travellers
• Trafficked people
• New arrivals from abroad

As a member of BVSC with strong links with people from these communities I am contacting you to ask you kindly to fill in the questionnaire below to ensure that the needs of all our citizens are reflected within the consultation.

I am also looking for any opportunities to engage with your members, front line staff and service users with the consultation – this could be in the form of a focus group or simply dropping off paper copies for them to complete.

The proposals and related documents can be accessed at:

This consultation is a real opportunity for everyone to influence the future shape and nature of sexual health services in Birmingham and your support and help with this is vital.

Thank you for your time and your views which are very important in making sure that Birmingham provides an excellent service for all its citizens.

If you would like to speak to me directly I can be contacted on 07763004009.

Best Wishes

Catherine O'Byrne
Sexual Health Services Redesign Consultation
on Behalf of Birmingham Public Health