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Service user survey

The Recovery Partnership has been invited by the Inter-Ministerial Group on Drugs to produce a paper on employment, education and training and recovery. To help inform the paper and the work of the Partnership, we hope you will take a bit of time to complete this survey. There may be some questions you feel unable to answer - please complete as much as you can (there is room at the end to add any further information or comment).

All information provided will be in confidence.

This survey covers three areas: Jobcentre Plus; the benefit system; and support to access to education, training and employment (including the Work Programme). Please complete as many of the sections and questions you can.

Question Title

* About you:

Question Title

* Are you currently:

  Yes No
In education (full or part time)
On a training scheme or project
In paid employment (full or part time)

Question Title

* Are you currently receiving any of the following benefits:

  Yes No
Jobseeker’s allowance
Incapacity benefit/employment support allowance
Income support
Tax credits (for you or any children)