Thank you for completing this survey! The information you provide here is part of a needs assessment funded by the Zellerbach Family Foundation. Please know that the information you provide will remain confidential and will not be individually linked to you in our data analysis.

Question Title

* 1. Were you/will you be a participant in the January 24 or January 25, 2015 call with Kristin Dempsey and Dr. Robert Williams?

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* 2. Please complete the following information before proceeding with the survey

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* 3. Please tell us what population your degree program(s) primarily prepares students to serve.

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* 4. In your opinion, how prepared are graduates from your degree program(s) in providing substance use disorder treatment?

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* 5. If your rating on question 4 was NOT a 10, state why you gave the number you did and not a LOWER number.

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* 6. If your rating on question 4 was NOT a 10, please describe areas in which your degree program could improve.

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* 7. At the present moment, how likely is it your degree program would incorporate "teaching-ready" (or ready-made?) modules (not courses, but topics within courses) into your curriculum to help achieve the improvements in your SUD Curriculum?

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* 8. Please rate the ease or difficulty of incorporating "ready-made" modules into your degree program curriculum

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* 9. What would need to be in place for you to use a ready-made model?

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* 10. Please rate the following statement:
'Most providers have internal resources (expertise and money) to train new staff on substance use disorder treatment'

Question Title

* 11. List three competencies that employers need new graduate degreed, direct service clinicians to have in order to provide substance use disorder treatment

Thank you!