The Family Forest Fish Passage Program (FFFPP) assists small forest landowners to improve fish passage on their forestlands or accessing forestland by repairing  road associated human-made fish barriers.

Eligibility (all must apply):
* On forestland or accesses forestland
* Owned by a small forest landowner (harvest < 2 million board feet of timber per year )
* Located on a fish-bearing stream
* Human-made fish passage barrier located at a road crossing
* Installed before May 14, 2003
If you believe you may have a fish barrier and are interested in having the site evaluated, please complete this application. For a full explanation of this program, please refer to Family Forest Fish Passage Program Guidelines ( or call (360) 490-0020 for assistance.

After your application is received, a field representative will contact you to set up a site visit and provide you with a detailed explanation of the program. If the site does not meet the program criteria, you will be contacted stating why the project is not eligible to the program.

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* Contact Information

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* Who will be the main contact for your project?

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* If the landowner is represented by someone other than themselves, please provide their information below

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* To be a small forest landowner and eligible to FFFPP, do the landowners harvest less than 2 million board feet of timber per year on average over a three year period.  Does the landowner harvest less than this amount? 

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* Was the stream crossing(s) originally installed before 2003?  To be eligible the crossing(s) need to be installed before May 2003.

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* To be eligible to FFFPP, the crossing needs to be on the applicant’s property.  Is the stream crossing entirely on your property?

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* Would you consider abandonment of this crossing?

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* Do you know if the crossing was installed with a permit from Department of Natural Resources or Washington Department of Fish and wildlife?

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* How many acres of forestland do you own that are associated with the stream crossing(s)?

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* How many acres of forestland do you own in Washington state?

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* Site Location

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* Legal Description

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* Forest Practices application number (if applicable)

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* Number of barriers you are applying for

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* Type and amount of barriers

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* What is the name of the stream the barrier is located on?

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* Do others have a right-of-way or easement over the stream crossing?

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* Are there utilities in the roadway?

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* Any other known barriers upstream or downstream from your site?

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* Are you planning on harvesting any timber in the next 3-5 years?

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* How did you find out about the program?

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* I certify that the information above is correct; and that I choose to enroll in the Family Forest Fish Passage Program and have my site evaluated for potential barrier/s.

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* Please provide driving directions for reaching the site.