RHC TA Survey

NOSORH is working to build the technical assistance capacity of SORH to serve rural health clinics. In order to facilitate this effort it is important to understand the SORHs current work and interest in developing new services for rural health clinics.

NOSORH's RHC Committee has compiled a comprehensive list of the wide range of TA provided by SORH to rural health clinics. The questions below reflect the types of services being provided by some SORH. The goal of our work on this project is to help SORH conduct some level of TA for RHC. Not all SORH have capacity and not all states have that need, this survey will help us understand the opportunities to expand the capacity of SORH and their partners.

It is expected that the survey will take less than 15 minutes to complete. Results of the survey will be shared during regional meetings of SORH this summer and in the Branch.
6% of survey complete.