In order to provide the best possible health care, we need to know what you think about the service and care you received as an inpatient at St John of God, Berwick. We greatly appreciate you taking a few minutes to complete this survey. Your answers are strictly confidential. The information and feedback you give us will be used to improve our quality of care.

Question Title

* 1. Please select the ward your feedback relates to

Question Title

* 2. Please tick the box that best describes your response

  Very Good Good Fair Poor Very Poor Not Applicable
Overall you were satisfied with the quality of care and service you received.
The nurses made an effort to include you in decisions regarding your care.
How well you were kept informed of, and received an explanation of your diagnosis and treatment.
How well your family was kept informed regarding your condition and treatment.
How well the Doctors and Nurses communicated with each other regarding your care and treatment.
Staff addressed your emotional, cultural and spiritual needs
The courtesy of the switchboard/reception staff.
Help you received arranging home care services for your discharge.
Instructions you received regarding care at home after your discharge.
Informed and involved in the planning for your discharge.
How well did we make available information on how make/voice a complaint.
How well did we make available information about your rights and responsibilities as a patient.
How well did you understand your rights and responsibilities.
The hospital environment was clean and comfortable.
The quality of the meals.
The nurses placed things within your reach during your stay.
Information received to understand any current medical conditions

Question Title

* 3. Please feel free to leave comments and general feedback below

Question Title

* 4. Do you wish to be contacted with regards to any matter relating to your experience?

Question Title

* 5. Would you be interested in participating in our Consumer Reference Group

Question Title

* 6. Contact Details