Should Camp Harrington be preserved as open space for the Town of Boylston?

Camp Harrington is a very unique property that can greatly expand the towns ability of Boylston Parks & Recreation to offer programs to our community. Parks and Recreation had been given 30 days to come up with a viable concept of the activities we would offer at the camp, IF it was acquired by the town. The purpose of this survey is to solicit as much input from the Town as possible regarding the type of programs you would like to see offered at the camp in order to come up with a concept that meets the needs of Boylstons residents.

Question Title

* 1. Would you be in favor of preserving Camp Harrington as it currently exists for use as an educational and recreational facility?

Question Title

* 2. 2 Part Question:  Part A  -  Please rate how important the following programs are to you and your family.

  Very Important Important Somewhat Important Not Important
Town Beach
Adventure Education (High/Low ropes course, team building education)
After School Programs
Summer Camp
Meeting Space
Walking/Hiking Trails
Craft Center

Question Title

* 3. 2 Part Question: Part B  -  If the town were to provide this program, how supportive of it would you and your family be?

  Very Supportive - I/my family would use this program several times a month Supportive - I/my family would use this program once a month Somewhat Supportive - I/my family would use this program a couple of times per year Not Supportive - I/my family would not use this program at all
Town Beach
Adventure Education (High/Low ropes course, team building education)
After School Programs
Summer Camp
Meeting Space
Walking/Hiking Trails
Craft Center

Question Title

* 4. If Parks and Rec were to offer a Saturday program at Camp Harrington for either 4 or 8 hours that was recreational and educational would you send your child during the school year, and or during summer months?