Registration form

Please complete the questions below to register as a member of the Scottish Co-production Practitioners Network.

You may already be a member and have emailed your details in the past year, however in order to update the membership list we would be grateful if you could re-register your details so that we know you still wish to be a member for 2012/13 and that we have the correct details for you.

If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to get in touch. / 0141 222 4839.


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* Please provide us with your personal details. This will be shared with other network members so please only give details you wish to be shared with the network.

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* Please briefly describe the nature of your organisation.
You might want to tell us here if you are representing more than one organisation/ network.

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* Please tell us what you can contribute to the network?

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* The network will host a series of action learning sets and possibly a national conference/ seminars as well as 3 more meetings in 2012/13.

Please indicate to what extent you will be able to assist with these.

  I would attend and assist with facilitation as necessary I would like to contribute to the planning
Action Learning Sets (likely to be a half day, themed, possibly at regional level)
National seminar/conference (full day potentially)

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* Please suggest any themes for the action learning sets.

The proposed format is to identify themes to which co-production can be applied, e.g. early years, older people's services, mental health, disability, additictions. And to identify a facilitator for each set who can demonstrate authority on the theme or give practical examples of co-production in practice.

So please also suggest (or volunteer for!) facilitation for your suggested themes if you can.

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* Would your organisation be able to provide meeting space if necessay for network meetings (of approx 20 people)? If so, where?

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* What would be useful for you in terms of the network website which we have been resourced to develop?

  Yes would definitely use it Might use it Not very likely to use it
a site which I can register, and manage my preferences myself
a library space where I can access and upload relevant documents
a member's forum where I can start discussions, share links and contact other members
a newsletter/ events stream to my inbox
enabled links to social media, e.g. Twitter, Facebook, Youtube etc

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* Any other comments/suggestions for the network?