Dear Juror:

Thank you for your service as a juror in the Superior Court of Orange County.

The availability of a jury trial is fundamental to our system of justice. However, we know that jury service can sometimes be difficult, demanding, or inconvenient. As a juror you are required to display patience, open-mindedness and common sense. Ultimately, the ability of each juror to bring these and other important qualities to bear on their jury service is essential to our democratic system.

In view of the importance of the jury service you are performing, I would appreciate you taking a few thoughtful minutes to complete the Juror Exit Questionnaire. Your input will be used to evaluate our jury program and improve service to future jurors. Please complete the survey at the end of your jury service. Your response is voluntary and confidential.

You are entitled to feel a sense of pride and accomplishment for the jury service you are completing. It is well deserved. On behalf of all the Judges of the Superior Court, I want you to know that your contribution is greatly appreciated by those of us in government responsible for this administration of justice.

Very Truly Yours,

David H. Yamasaki
Jury Commissioner