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* 1. Our service aims to provide excellence and innovation in sleep health management in the community. Overall, please indicate your level of satisfaction with the service provided by Queensland Sleep?

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* 2. Please indicate your level of satisfaction with the efficiency of the referral process?

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* 3. Please indicate your level of satisfaction with the time your patient had to wait for an appointment?

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* 4. Please indicate your level of satisfaction with the time you had to wait to receive the sleep study report?

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* 5. Please indicate your level of satisfaction with the quality and completeness of Queensland Sleep study reports?

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* 6. Please indicate your level of satisfaction with the recommendations made by Queensland Sleep Physicians?

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* 7. Please indicate your level of satisfaction with the management of your patient's treatment?

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* 8. Please indicate your level of satisfaction with the timeliness of the feedback you received on your patient's treatment progress?

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* 9. Queensland Sleep aims to provide a competent, expedient and comprehensive sleep service that meets the needs of its patients and referring doctors in the diagnosis and management of sleep disorders. Bearing this in mind would you agree with the following statement? Queensland Sleep will be my first choice when referring my patients to a sleep service.