Recreation Interests Survey

The City of Woodburn (Woodburn Recreation & Parks) is conducting a survey to help determine the current and future needs related to recreation programs and facilities as identified by residents. Your responses will assist us in developing short and long-range goals for the delivery of recreation services within Woodburn.  Thank you for taking the time to participate in this survey.  Please respond to questions only as they pertain to recreational programs and facilities provided by the City.  If you have any questions, please contact Kristin Wierenga, CPRP, Recreation Services Manager at 503-982-5266. 

Question Title

* 1. During the last 12 months, approximately how many times have members in your household visited or participated in the following in Woodburn?

  More than 25 times 11-25 times 6-10 times 1-5 times None
Recreation Programs (i.e. sports, special events, community classes, etc.)
Woodburn Historical Berry Museum
Facilities (i.e. athletic fields, walking paths, play equipment, picnic areas, etc.)

Question Title

* 2. How has your household found out about the programs and services offered by Woodburn Recreation & Parks (please select all that apply)?

Question Title

* 3. What is your preferred method of hearing about the recreation programs and services offered by Woodburn Recreation & Parks (please select all that apply)?

Question Title

* 4. How satisfied is your household with the following?

  Don't know/ Don't use Very unsatisfied Unsatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied
Youth Soccer Program
Youth Basketball Program
Youth T-Ball Program
Youth Flag Football Program
Adult Basketball Program
Active Adult Trips
Community Education Classes (i.e. cooking, dancing, gardening, sewing, etc.)
The number of programs and activities offered

Question Title

* 5. How satisfied is your household with the following special events provided by Woodburn Recreation & Parks?

  Don't know/ Don't use Very unsatisfied Unsatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied
Daddy Daughter Dinner Dance
Easter Egg Hunt
Doggy Easter Treat Hunt
4th of July Celebration
Summer Night Concerts
Summer Night Movies
Amazing Race
Downtown Trick or Treating
Mayor's Tree Lighting
Number of events offered
Overall satisfaction with events

Question Title

* 6. How satisfied is your household with the following park facilities/ amenities?

  Don't know/ Don't use Very unsatisfied Unsatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied
Baseball fields
Soccer fields
Tennis courts
Dog park
Walking/ bike paths
Picnic shelters
Park landscaping
Play equipment

Question Title

* 7. Which of the following development projects or improvements would you be most willing to support?

Question Title

* 8. Which YOUTH programs do you feel should be developed or expanded? Please rank the following programs from 1-9, with 1 being the program that you feel most strongly should be developed or expanded and 9 being the program you feel least strongly should be developed or expanded. 

Question Title

* 9. Which ADULT programs do you feel should be developed or expanded? Please rank the following programs from 1-9, with 1 being the program that you feel most strongly should be developed or expanded and 9 being the program you feel least strongly should be developed or expanded. 

Question Title

* 10. Assume you are responsible for developing the Woodburn Recreation & Parks budget and have $100 to allocate to a variety of recreation and/ or park improvements.  Making sure the total is equal to $100, please indicate how much money you would allocate to each of the items below.

Question Title

* 11. Are there any other recreation and/ or park improvements you would like to see completed that are not listed above?

Question Title

* 12. Rate your level of satisfaction with parks maintenance in the following areas.

  Don't know/Don't use Very Unsatisfied Unsatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied
Restroom maintenance
Trask pickup & removal
Amenities maintenance (i.e. playgrounds, etc.)
Turf care (i.e. mowing, watering, etc.)
Tree care (i.e. pruning, etc.)
Trail maintenance

Question Title

* 13. Please rank the following maintenance tasks in terms of their importance to your household, with 1 being the most important and 6 being the least important.

Question Title

* 14. Which best describes the individual(s) who completed the survey?

Question Title

* 15. What is your age?

Question Title

* 16. Which best describes your household?

Question Title

* 17. How many people (including yourself) live in your household?

Question Title

* 18. How many years have you lived in the Woodburn area?

Question Title

* 19. What was your approximate total household income before taxes in 2014?

Question Title

* 20. Which area of Woodburn do you reside in?

Question Title

* 21. Please provide us with any additonal comments, suggestions, thoughts or you might have.