“If my son is not taking my toaster apart, he is pestering me to take him to the Hobby Shop for bits and pieces that I cannot even imagine where he would use them… HELP! Have you anything at the Cape Town Science Centre to help me nurture his enthusiasm for tinkering, creating, innovating, building his skills in technology and electronics etc.”
Signed: Desperate Mother

We have loads going on at the CTSC - ad-hoc workshops, coding, robotics and more...as well as long-term plans to build a dedicated Maker Space for kids as we expand.

In the very near future we will be launching a programme called TECHIE-KIDS! We would value your input in these planning stages and ask you to please complete this very short survey.

Thank you!
The CTSC Team and KAT-O

Question Title

* 1. How old is/are your child/children?

Question Title

* 2. What do you want your child/children to learn?

Question Title

* 3. What days of the week and times during school terms would suit your child best?

Question Title

* 4. Would you prefer:

Question Title

* 5. What are you willing to pay per child per 2 hour session (this would include annual memberships to the CTSC if you are not already a member, hardware, software and any other components used in the course)?
We understand this is a complex question to answer as it would depend on hardware supplied etc. However, we are trying to gauge affordability and would appreciate your input including comments.