1. Welcome to the RUSA Free Webinar Proposal Form!

The Reference and User Services Association (RUSA; www.ala.org/rusa) encourages all Sections to hold one free webinar. The rationale and goals for holding the free section webinars are:

o Encourage webinars sponsored by all Sections.
o Strengthen Section-sponsored webinars as a benefit of RUSA membership.
o Build interest in webinars that can translate to a more robust RUSA webinar schedule.
o Showcase the specialty areas of the Sections, and the value of belonging to RUSA and its Sections to help retain members.

Please submit proposals for one free webinar sponsored by the section using the following form. Requests must be submitted by no later than March 22, 2015 and webinars must be presented by December 12, 2015. There will be no cost to the participants for the free section webinars. For more information about the free section webinars, please go here: http://connect.ala.org/node/231869.

*Questions with an asterisk (*) require a response.

If you have any questions about submitting, please contact the RUSA Professional Development Committee Chair, Elizabeth Kline: klinee at email.arizona.edu. Contact Andrea Hill, ahill at ala.org if you have any technical problems with the submission form.

Question Title

* 1. Today's date is:
(MM/DD/YYYY format)

Question Title

* 2. Presenter(s) Contact Information Please provide all of the following for each presenter: Name, Title, Affiliation, E-mail Address and Phone Number.

Question Title

* 3. Presenter Qualifications:

State qualifications of each presenter to present on this topic; include relevant teaching experience and knowledge in the proposed topic area. Though not required, please indicate any experience with delivering online webinars.

Question Title

* 4. Proposed Webinar Title

Question Title

* 5. Brief Description (for promotion <150 words):

Question Title

* 6. Target Audience:

Who would benefit from attending this webinar? Include job functions/responsibilities, titles, library types, etc.

Question Title

* 7. Identify Learning Outcomes. What will attendees know or be able to do as a result of attending the webinar?

Question Title

* 8. Detailed Webinar Description (for use by RUSA Professional Development Committee):
Identify subject (Area within librarianship, e.g., information literacy).

Question Title

* 9. Detailed Webinar Description (for use by RUSA Professional Development Committee):
Identify scope (State the level of audience, e.g., beginner, intermediate, or advance. Also, indicate the intensity of content to be covered, e.g., or specialized focus vs broad overview).

Question Title

* 10. Detailed Webinar Description (for use by RUSA Professional Development Committee):
Content and Approach: Full description beyond the promotional. Provide specific details about what you will present in the session, if possible include an outline or bullet points of the main idea of the session. Describe how you will approach the topic, specifically how you will present the material. The design should fully convey how you intend to support your learning outcomes.

Question Title

* 11. Detailed Webinar Description (for use by RUSA Professional Development Committee):
Audience Participation: Describe methods of engaging Webinar participants throughout the presentation. Include estimate of time dedicated to interact with audience, such as activities, discussion, Q&A time, etc. Must be more than just Q&A or comments at end of presentation. Minimum expectation is 15 minutes for interactive elements.

Question Title

* 12. Detailed Webinar Description (for use by RUSA Professional Development Committee):
Uniqueness of Content: Identify other ways participants might attain skills or knowledge taught in the (Course/Webinar). How does this proposal distinguish itself from these other offerings?

Question Title

* 13. Length of Webinar:
Recommended length is 60-90 minutes.
If proposing webinar longer than 90 minutes, please provide rationale.

Question Title

* 14. Proposed Webinar Dates:

Indicate here your preferred presentation dates and times. You may indicate specific dates and times, e.g. April 25, 2014 at 3:00pm Central Time, or you may give general availability, such as Tuesday and Thursday afternoons.

Any dates should be at least two months into the future to allow for preparation and promotion of your webinar.

Once approved, exact dates and times will be negotiated by RUSA staff.

Question Title

* 15. This proposal is for a free Section webinar, sponsored by the following RUSA Section (please choose one):

Question Title

* 16. The Section sponsoring this webinar will be paying the presenters $150 (split evenly among presenters), which will be taken from the annual $1,500 Section allotment.

Question Title

* 17. Any other important details about this session we need to know?