Project Background and Consent Information

This study seeks to gain understanding of how music is used by team sport athletes in order to enhance sporting performance. You have been selected because of your involvement in a sport, and its hoped you will be able to share your knowledge and experiences of using music within a sporting context. The risks associated with completing this online survey are minimal, meaning no greater than everyday experiences. In rare instances you may be uncomfortable answering certain questions, however if this is the case you do not have to answer a question if you do not want to and you may withdraw from the survey at any time without any risk of sanction. Remember, there are no correct or incorrect answers but we ask you to please answer as honestly as possible.

Any records of research will be kept confidential, with only my supervisor and I able to gain access to the data, which will be kept on a password protected computer in a locked room (Room 936, Talbot Building, Swansea University). All data collected will be deleted on award of the degree by myself or within 5 years by the supervisor. No names, identifiable personal details or contact details will be required from you, you will be known only by your initials in order to ensure that all participants remain anonymous.

Please do not hesitate to contact me or my supervisor if you have any questions or require further information:

Alex Moyler, Undergraduate student, Swansea University,
Dr Stephen Mellalieu, Supervisor, Swansea University,

Thank you very much!

Question Title

* 1. Consent

• I confirm that I am 18 years of age or older and have read and understood the information above and have had the opportunity to ask questions.

• I understand that my participation is voluntary and that I am free to withdraw at any time, without giving any reason, without my medical care or legal rights being affected.

• I understand that sections of any of data obtained may be looked at by responsible individuals who are involved in the research team or from regulatory authorities where it is relevant to my taking part in research. I give permission for these individuals to have access to these records.

• I agree to take part in the above study (please place your initials in the box below)