The following form must be filled in by the EVS volunteers hosted in Romanian project that arrived in months April & May 2015.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: All filed except the Reference Number are compulsory! When finished, click on the "Done" button and "thank you" message will be posted on the screen. If there is no such message, check which compulsory field must be filled in in order to finalize the application process.

Deadline to be filled in: 7th of May 2015!

On-arrival training takes place upon arrival in the host country. It introduces volunteers to their host country and their host environment, and helps them to get to know each other. Duration is on average five days.

Question Title

* 1. Contact and project data

Question Title

* 2. Gender of the volunteer

Question Title

* 3. Period of the volunteer activity (day/month/year)


Question Title

* 4. I agree that, if I will be selected for participation, I fully understand and I assume the obligation of my active and constant participation during the entire session. Also, I am fully responsible for any damage that I may cause during lodging and I know that in case of incident(s)/damage(s) caused, the hosting/coordinating organisation has the full right to request me for financial reimbursement!

Moreover, in accordance with the content of the "EVS Charter" provisions and "ERASMUS+ EVS Volunteering agreement", document that I declare to read and sign before my enrollment, I am aware of the fact that the receiving organisation is also contractually responsible toward the hosting National Agency for any consequences generated by my behavior during the participation of the EVS session!