1. Background and Instructions

Click one dot for each dimension that most resembles the performance in the student project.

The definition for each level of each dimension were adapted from the most general conceptions in the detailed abstracts based on 4 interviews. Together the rating form depicts a rich, collective theory of the development of Jewish education expertise.

Interpret each dimension broadly (e.g., projects with class presentation). Other descriptions for each level of each dimension are included in the 100-word abstracts. If these would help to clarify the developmental levels in a dimension, the full abstracts can be obtained clicking on the link below:

The Dimensions for the RHSOE are...
(1) Creating Compelling Learning Experiences
(2) Integration of Judaica into Personal Identity and Professional Practice
(3) Understanding Organizational Dynamics
(4) Leading Change
(5) Awareness & Critique of the environment in which Jewish education takes place

The levels are
Beginning –before entering the program: showed commitment requiring a few minutes to try the dimension,
Developing: showed commitment requiring a few months to learn about the dimension,
“Well-Launched” Professionals (e.g., upon graduation): showed commitment requiring a few years to earn a living using the dimension,
Contributing to the Field (hoped-for contribution after 5 years): showed commitment requiring many years to contribute to knowledge using he dimension.

Optional paragraph items are available after each dimension and at the end of the form. The dimension options enable you to comment on any difficulties you had in rating student work with this dimension. Those at the end allow you to suggest new dimensions of student performance that are missing or not clear from the 5 dimensions. Please describe at least the level that best represents the current performance and the level just above it that the student might think about for the next assignment. Note that dimensions should develop fairly independently from each other. A good test for a new one is whether a high level of the proposed dimension is sometimes found with a low level of current dimensions.