The 2014 Jackson County Fair is a resounding SUCCESS—with paid attendance up more than 25% over last years’ Fair.

Thank you for being a part of that success. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey and let us know your thoughts on this year's fair.

Question Title

* 1. What day(s) did you attend the fair?

Question Title

* 2. What is your affiliation with the fair?

Question Title

* 3. Please Rate the following Attractions:
(please leave the row blank if you did not experience it)

  Not Good At All Good Awesome!
Food Row
Mutton Bustin
Touch a Truck
Petting Zoo
Butterfly Exhibit
Kids Zone
Camel Ride
Water Balls
Ranch Rodeo
Bull Ride
4H/FFA Events

Question Title

* 4. How many years have you attended the Jackson County Fair in the last 10 years?

Question Title

* 5. How many days did you attend the fair this year?

Question Title

* 7. Please rate the following as it relates to cost:

  Not worth it OK Great Value
Pre-Fair Admission ($9)
At the Gate Pricing ($10)
Kids (12 and under) (FREE)
Free Parking on Friday
Free Fair Day on Sunday
All Day, All ride wrist bands

Question Title

* 8. How did you hear about the fair?

Question Title

* 9. Tell us about your group

  Yes No
Did you come alone?
Did you come as part of a group of friends?
Did you come as a family?
Did you come as part of an organization?

Question Title

* 10. Please rate the following:

  Not good OK Awesome!
Cleanliness of the fairgrounds
Friendliness of staff
The new fair app
The parking tram
The flags along the road
The Shade Tents
ADA improvements

Question Title

* 11. Please rate the following as related to your decision to come to fair this year

  Not part of the reason Part of the reason Brought me to the fair
The New Carnival
The Kids Zone
Kids (12 and Under Free)
The Concerts in the LMA?
The Music Festival
The 4H/FFA Exhibits and Events
The Buzz online
Word of Mouth

Question Title

* 12. Are you a "friend" on the Fair's Facebook?

Question Title

* 13. Did you use the new app on your smartphone?

Question Title

* 14. Please rate your overall fair experience this year (1 = bad and 10 = Awesome!)

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Overall Fair Experience

Question Title

* 15. What was your favorite part of the fair?

Question Title

* 16. What would you like us to know or improve on for next year?

Question Title

* 17. Are you interested in being a volunteer next year?

Question Title

* 18. Optional - Please share your contact info so we can get in touch with you to follow up