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* 1. Please provide your contact information (this information is optional - please note, email addresses will be added to a Particle Astrophysics distribution list managed by the STFC on behalf of the Particle Astrophysics Advisory Panel)

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* 2. How well do these science questions represent your views of the top priorities in Particle Astrophysics? (Max 500 words)

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* 3. What questions do you consider the most important? In your response please consider the current UK involvement in these areas, the UK community's reputation, and its potential for future significant contributions. (Max 500 words)

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* 4. What are the most important current facilities, and top future facilities, for your research? Facilities may include instruments, experiments, laboratories, computing facilities, etc. (Max 400 words)

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* 5. What are the technology needs for each priority? What is the UK expertise (both in academia and in industry) in the required technologies? Are there underpinning technologies that are required? (Max 400 words)

The chart below shows the 2012/13 Science Programmes Budget and the split between the various programme areas. The total spend in the PPAN area in 2012-13 is £245.5M.

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STFC Science Programmes budget distribution for 2012/13 (ex. CERN and ESO subscriptions)

STFC Science Programmes budget distribution for 2012/13 (ex. CERN and ESO subscriptions)
Note: PRD – Project Research and Development; HPC – High Performance Computing
The two charts below show the breakdown of the Particle Physics and Particle Astrophysics budgets between subject areas and between development, exploitation and theory.

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* 6. What is the correct balance between development (construction and R&D), exploitation (operations and analysis) and theory to produce a coherent programme, within the current budget scenario? What is an appropriate level of investment to meet the primary goals? (Max 200 words)

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* 7. Do you have any other comments? (Max 400 words)