In order to help us design a certification course schedule and curriculum that best suits the needs of our prospective Stewards, please take a few minutes to answer the following questions.

Question Title

* 1. The role of a Master Watershed Steward is to:

Help neighbors understand environmental problems, and how to solve those problems

Work with neighbors to identify and reduce pollution sources such as pet waste, fertilizer and erosion

Coordinate the installation of rain gardens, rain barrels and other RainScaping techniques.

Which of the following skills do you wish to develop in order to fulfill the role of a Steward? Please indicate your interest level as High, Medium or Low

  High Medium Low
Rain Barrel Installation
How and Where to use landscaping to reduce runoff
Rain Garden Design
Rain Garden Implementation
Techniques to encourage neighbors to change polluting habits
Grant Writing and Funding
Presentation Skills
How to talk to people about stormwater
Project Management
Environmental Education of Children

Question Title

* 2. What time of day would you prefer to attend the certification course? (check all that apply)

  Available - best option Available - not optimal Not Available
Weekday Mornings (9am - noon)
Weekday Afternoons (1pm - 4pm)
Weekday Evenings (6pm - 9pm)

Question Title

* 3. There are 3-4 field sessions that must be held during the day time. Which option works best for you? (check all that apply)

  Available Available - but not optimal Not Available
Saturday Morning
Sunday Afternoon

Question Title

* 4. At which of the following locations would you be willing to attend the certification course (check all that apply)

Question Title

* 5. Our certification course typically consists of about 12 three-hour sessions and 3-4 field sessions. What frequency would work best for your schedule?

  Optimal Acceptable This won't work for my schedule
Sessions spread over 6 months (Oct 2013-Mar 2014)
Sessions spread over 12 months (Oct 2013-Sept 2014)
Thank you for your input! Your answers will help us to develop the course beginning October 2013.