Help make Concord a better place to walk! Please share your thoughts to make Concord a more livable, walkable place for Concord residents and visitors of all ages.

For more information on the project, visit the project webpage at:

Question Title

* 1. How often do you walk in Concord for the following purposes?

  Nearly every day A few times a week Once per week 1 - 2 times per month Rarely
Pleasure - This includes walking for exercise and overall enjoyment.
Utilitarian - Including getting to work/school, running errands, or making other scheduled trips (gym, hair dresser, shopping, etc.)
Social - This could include walking to a friend's house, restaurant or bar, or to other social events.

Question Title

* 2. Do you require or often use a personal mobility device or wheelchair to get around?

Question Title

* 3. Do you walk with a stroller or other small-wheeled vehicle on occasion?

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* 4. What types of destinations do you walk to? Check all that apply

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* 5. Does your employer encourage non-motorized transportation to work? This could include incentives, (showers, competitions, other), etc. If so, please explain and identify your employer if willing.

Question Title

* 6. How long is your typical walk when you walk for fun or exercise?

Question Title

* 7. When you choose to walk to a destination instead of driving a car for example, how far do you walk one-way?

Question Title

* 8. Which of the following are personal incentives for why you choose to walk? Please mark these as High, Medium, or Low:

  High Medium Low
For health or exercise
The environment
For fun
To save money
Lack of nearby parking

Question Title

* 9. Please explain which factors influence your decision to walk. Complete the sentence "I would walk in Concord more than I currently do if:"

  I would be much more likely walk I would be more likely to walk Would have little or no impact
the places I needed to go weren't so far apart
I could park my car in a central location, then access many locations by walking.
there were more sidewalks and they were better connected.
the sidewalks were not blocked by snow, ice, or other obstructions
the sidewalks were smoother or in better condition
it was easier and safer to cross busy streets and intersections
it were not for concerns about crime
there were more shade trees or street trees
there were benches or rest spots along the way
there were tip-down ramps instead of step curbs
there was less car and truck traffic making noise/exhaust etc.
drivers were more friendly to walkers
cars didn’t drive so fast
there was better lighting at night
there was more shoulder space on the side of country roads
there were more hiking trails nearby
there were more paved trails or bike paths
there were more interesting destination within walking distance of where I live or work
the weather was nice

Question Title

* 10. Do you have access to a car?

Question Title

* 11. What are your favorite places to walk in Concord? You may list streets, neighborhoods, trails, parks, etc.

Question Title

* 12. Are there any specific locations, intersections, or neighborhoods where you think there should be an improvement to walking conditions? Is there a specific sidewalk that is often blocked? are there any intersections that you avoid because they are unsafe of difficult to cross? Please explain:

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* 13. What is your age?

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* 14. What is your gender?

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* 15. Where do you live?

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* 16. What street do you live on?

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* 17. Compared to other similar places you've been to, do you feel that Concord is a good place for walking?

Question Title

* 18. Please share with us any other comments you have about walking in Concord

Question Title

* 19. If you would like to be updated on the progress of this survey or the Pedestrian Master Plan, please provide your email address. Your survey will remain anonymous, and your email will not be connected to your survey responses.