As a member of the Minnesota Telecom Alliance, we'd like your feedback on the organization. Please complete the short survey below.

Question Title

* Please rate your level of agreement or disagreement with the following statements.

  Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
MTA understands my telecommunications needs
MTA provides relevant information to me as a telecommunications professional
MTA communicates information effectively to me
MTA offers ample opportunities for involvement
MTA effectively promotes sponsors and associate providers to its members
MTA effectively promotes awareness of new legislation
MTA provides networking opportunities that meet my needs

Question Title

* How well does your experience with MTA compare with your level of expectation? Please use a five-point scale with '1' meaning MTA greatly exceeds expectations and '5' meaning MTA greatly falls below expectations.

  1 2 3 4 5 N/A
Registering online for an event
Meeting facilities for MTA sponsored events
Ease of use when using an MTA Conference Bridge for committee meetings
E-mail/Internet communication
Contact with the MTA staff for information
Overall expectations of MTA

Question Title

* What can MTA do to improve the value of your membership?

Question Title

* What one single service could MTA provide that would make us indispensable to you?

Question Title

* What is the biggest value to you of your MTA membership?

Question Title

* Please feel free to leave any additional comments below.