Question Title

* 1. What causes the biggest production losses in your orchard?

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* 2. Please indicate if you agree or disagree with the following statement:
Climate variability is impacting on my business

Question Title

* 3. What, if any, noticeable changes have you observed in the weather over the last 10-15 years?
Please rate change on scale of 1- 5, if no noticeable changes have been observed, please go straight to question 11.

  Lower Slight decrease No change Slight increase Higher N/A
Summer rainfall
Winter rainfall
Summer temperatures
Winter temperatures
Extreme events (heat events, hail…..)
More variable climate (several years of drought followed by a couple of seasons with summer storms and flooding followed by a summer with very localised events)

Question Title

* 4. Overall, how would you rate the impact of climate variability on the performances of your business?

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* 5. What has been/is the effect of the weather in the past 15 years on your apple/pears orchard? (more than one answer if applicable)

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* 6. Could you give an example where you have done something differently in your orchard due to weather variability?

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* 7. If you have experienced changes in the weather but have not changed anything, why not?

Question Title

* 8. How likely are you to consider climate variability when replanting your next block?

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* 9. What information/skills would you need to confidently manage your apple orchard under variable weather conditions?

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* 10. What opportunities, if any, can you see arising from a change in weather pattern?

Question Title

* 11. Where is your property located, what area do you have under orchard (ha) and which cultivars do you grow?

Question Title

* 12. Are you interested in becoming a member of a working group on this project in your production region?