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* 1. Have you attended a paid live class with us before?

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* 2. Was the time of the class convenient?

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* 3. The price of the live class was

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* 4. Have you purchased a live class replay from us?

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* 5. The price of the class replay was

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* 6. Do you know about the weekly Oil and Watercolour painting clubs on the site?

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* 7. Do you currently attend paid offline art classes (eg., at a studio or art club)?

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* 8. If the amount was reasonable, would you be willing to pay a fixed amount per month to access ALL the classes on the site - currently around 200 classes plus being able to attend any live classes for that month?

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* 9. If you said yes above, please let us know what a reasonable / affordable monthly amount would be for you (in US$)

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* 10. if you did choose a monthly option as above to access all the classes, how long do you think you will remain a paying member?