1. Vote for the schemes you think deserve a share of £225,000 extra cash

The Royal Borough has set aside £225,000 of 2014/15 capital funding so that you can decide how this money should be spent.

There are two opportunities for you to vote:
1. How £100,000 should be spent on projects that will benefit people across the entire borough.
2. How funds should be spent in the area where you live or work - £50,000 in the Maidenhead area; £50,000 in the Windsor area; £25,000 in the Ascot & the Sunnings area.
(Select one area only in this section).

On the other hand, you may think we shouldn't spend the money at all. If so, just tick the box provided.

This is your opportunity to vote for the projects you want to get the funding. So over to you...

The closing date is Friday 2 May 2014.

Question Title

1. The council has earmarked £100,000 for BOROUGH-WIDE schemes that will be of benefit wherever you live, work and visit. Please rank the schemes in order of importance from 1 to 10 (1 being highest priority and 10 being the least important).

If you would prefer that the money should not be spent at all, please leave this question blank and move to Q3.

Question Title

2. Have we forgotten anything? Please let us know of other projects that you think should be included.

Question Title

3. I would prefer that this money should not be spent at all.