Too Many E-mails? Tell Us About It!

Are you getting too many e-mails from the Nisqually Land Trust? Are you interested in learning more about what we're up to? Please take a minute to tell us exactly what type of information you are interested in receiving and we'll make sure that we share what's most important to you. Thank you!

Question Title

* 1. I am interested in receiving notifications about the following (Check All That Apply):

Question Title

* 2. I am interested in receiving notifications about the following (Check All That Apply):

Question Title

* 3. My general contact preference is (Select One):

Question Title

* 4. NOTES & COMMENTS - Please elaborate here as needed.

Question Title

* 5. Please make sure that we have your correct contact information (name and e-mail address are required).

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts! Please have patience with us as we take the time to make the changes you requested. If you have any questions or would like to make additional changes, please contact the Nisqually Land Trust at 360-489-3400 or