Dear Teacher of visually impaired students,

Thank you for taking this short survey to help us understand your needs for professional development and how to obtain information and resources essential to do your job.

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* 1. Please identify what State you primarily work in. (drop down menu)

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* 2. How many years have you been a practicing TVI?

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* 3. Do you work PRIMARILY as an itinerant TVI in the public schools or in a school for the Blind?

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* 4. How many students do you regularly support during a school year?

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* 5. What grade level do you support? (select all that apply)

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* 6. When you look for “best practices” in your field of TVI services, where do you find them? (select all that apply)

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* 7. Of the above resources in question 6, which 2 do you find the most helpful in providing you the information you need to do your job effectively?

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* 8. What is the biggest challenge when providing TVI services?

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* 9. Other than in person, how often do you communicate with fellow TVI’s to learn about new ideas, technologies and resources?

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* 10. When you communicate with a fellow TVI, what is your preferred method?

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* 11. Consider this idea: You just learned that there is a website built exclusively for TVIs. The purpose of the website is for TVIs to discover best practices, new ideas, to have the opportunity to post their own examples of best practices and to post links to effective, accessible resources they’ve used. Finally, the site would encourage TVIs to rate those resources for their usefulness (like a YELP rating). You would be able to come to this website 24/7. Does this service already exist? (Before we build such a resource we need to make sure we are not duplicating an effective existing one.)

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* 12. If this already exists, please provide the link or web address. (comment box)

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* 13. If this service does not exist, how likely would you be to use it if it became available?

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* 14. We would be very interested in talking with you! Please contact us if you have more to say about the topic of TVI professional development and access to resources to do your job. While this is an anonymous survey, if you wish you could leave us your name and email should we wish to contact you for further information.

For questions regarding this survey, please contact Rachel Ethier Rosenbaum via email at