The purpose of this survey is to obtain your input on a variety of issues related to cultural diversity on campus, to assess your ability to function effectively in a multi-cultural environment, and to solicit your suggestions for improving the campus diversity culture. Your answers will be used by a variety of administrative, staff, and faculty groups on campus to guide improvement efforts. Please respond to each of the questions below. If you don't have any answer to a question, or aren't sure, select "don't know/not sure" and continue to the next item. Your answers will remain completely confidential and no attempt will be made to identify you personally. Summaries of the findings of this study will be made available through the ASCBC and other campus outlets.

Question Title

* 1. Cultural Relativism: Indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements.

  Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree Don't know/not sure
1. I tend to question what I have been taught about the world around me.
2. I seldom rely on authorities (e.g., parents, instructors) to determine what is true in the world.
3. The culture I grew up in is superior to other cultures.
4. It can be difficult to determine what is right and wrong in different settings.
5. When considering cultural differences, my culture tends to have a better approach.
6. I consider different cultural perspectives when evaluating global problems.
7. I take into account different perspectives before drawing conclusions.

Question Title

* 2. Cultural Understanding. Indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements.

  Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree Don't know/not sure
1. I can understand why there are conflicts going on between various cultures in the world.
2. I understand the differences in social interactions between different cultures.
3. I keep well-informed of current issues that impact international relations.
4. I can discuss cultural differences from an informed perspective.
5. I know how to gain a basic understanding of other cultures.

Question Title

* 3. Feelings towards others.

  Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree Don't know/not sure
1. I am accepting of people with different religious and spiritual traditions.
2. I am open to people who strive to live very differently from my own life style.
3. I enjoy having friends from other cultures or religious backgrounds.
4. I enjoy it when my friends from other cultures teach me about cultural differences.
5. I am protective of those who experience any form of discrimination.
6. I feel comfortable when presented with multiple perspectives.

Question Title

* 4. Social responsibility.

  Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree Don't know/not sure
1. I think of my life in terms of giving back to society.
2. I consciously behave in terms of making a difference.
3. I seek out opportunities for volunteering or community service.
4. I see the rights of others as being just as important as my own rights.
5. People all have equal value, regardless of who they are or what they believe.
6. I take actions to support the rights of others.

Question Title

* 5. Social interactions.

  Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree Don't know/not sure
1. I frequently interact with students from a different ethnic or racial background.
2. I frequently interact with students from a different country than my own.
3. I frequently interact with students of a different gender orientation than my own.
4. Most of my friends are from a background similar to my own.
5. I intentionally involve people from many cultural backgrounds in my life.

Question Title

* 6. Perceptions of racial/ethnic issues.

  Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree Don't know/not sure
1. Students here are willing to talk about equity, injustice, and group differences.
2. When people feel frustrated about stereotypes being applied to their group, I feel some of their frustration too.
3. Discrimination in the workplace still limits the success of many people of color.
4. When people of a different racial/ethnic group feel proud of their accomplishments, I feel some of their pride as well.
5. Most people of color are still discriminated against in this country.
6. What one can achieve in life is still limited by one's race or ethnicity.
7. When people express regret about racial/ethnic biases they were taught, I can empathize with their feelings.
8. Inequalities in the educational system limit the success of people of color.
9. When I learn about the injustices experienced by people of different races/ethnicities, I experience feelings of anger and outrage.

Question Title

* 7. Peceptions of LGBTQ issues. (This acronym refers to those who see themselves as being lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans-gender or queer.)

  Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree Don't know/not sure
1. I would feel comfortable taking courses with openly LGBTQ students.
2. I feel the college should provide specific resources and support to LGBTQ students.
3. The campus climate here is very supportive of the LGBTQ population.
4. I have LGBTQ friends on campus.
5. Since being at CBC, I have witnessed or experienced homophobia or negative LGBTQ attitudes.
6. I am not comfortable associating with LGBTQ students on campus for fear of being labeled as a member of this group.
7. I have avoided certain areas or spaces on campus for fear of being identified as LGBTQ.

Question Title

* 8. Personal behaviors. How often in the past have you:

  Never Rarely Sometimes Fairly often Always Don't know/not sure
1. Avoided using language that reinforces negative stereotypes.
2. Sought to address a social justice issue.
3. Challenged others on derogatory comments.
4. Acknowledged others for behaviors that support diversity.
5. Made efforts to learn more about other groups.
6. Worked with others to challenge discrimination.

Question Title

* 9. Personal identifications. How often in the past year have you thought about your:

  Never Rarely Sometimes Fairly often Very often Don't know/not sure
1. Ability/disability status'
2. Age
3. Citizenship status
4. Gender
5. Political affiliation
6. Race/ethnicity
7. Religious/spiritual affiliation
8. Sexual orientation
9. Socioeconomic class

Question Title

* 10. Effective Interactions. How effectively are you able to work with people from each of the following groups:

  Not at all effectively Slightly effectively Somewhat effectively Moderately effectively Very effectively Don't know/not sure
1. Those who are disabled.
2. Persons from other cultures or ethnicities.
3. Persons having religious beliefs that are different than mine.
4. Persons having a different sexual orientation.
5. Persons who are much older or younger than I am.
6. People from a much different socioeconomic background.
7. Veterans
8. Women
9. Men

Question Title

* 11. Interests and abilities. Please rate yourself on each of the following interest and ability areas as compared with the average person of your age.

  Very low Low Moderate Above average Very high Don't know/not sure
1. Listening ability
2. Awareness of your surroundings, rather than lost in thought
3. Ability to accurately interpret non-verbal behaviors
4. Ability to think critically about new information
5. Ability to relate well to others
6. Ability to be aware of your own assumptions
7. Interest in learning about other cultures.
8. Interest in traveling to other countries
9. Interest in learning about other religions or spiritual systems

Question Title

* 12. Perceptions of CBC. Indicate your degree of agreement or disagreement with each of the following statements. At this college:

  Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree Don't know/not sure
1. Students have a public voice and can share their ideas openly
2. There seems to be a strong commitment to diversity.
3. The diversity of the student body is portrayed in its publications (e.g., brochures, website)
4. Differences in sexual orientation are accepted.
5. There is an appreciation of cultural differences.
6. Administrators and staff speak about the value of diversity.
7. Faculty speak about the value of diversity.
8. There seems to be racial tension.

Question Title

* 13. Campus experiences. How often at this college have you:

  Never Seldom Sometimes Often Very often Don't know/not sure
1. Witnessed discrimination
2. Reported an incident of discrimination to a campus authority
3. Experienced sexual harassment
4. Reported an incident of sexual harassment to a campus authority
5. Heard insensitive or disparaging racial/ethnic-related remarks
6. Heard insensitive or disparaging gender-related comments
7. Heard insensitive or disparaging remarks related to sexual orientation
8. Heard insensitive or disparaging remarks related to religious beliefs
9. Experienced discrimination against you personally
10. Experienced offensive visual images
11. Experienced threatened or actual physical assault

Question Title

* 14. Satisfaction with diversity climate on campus. Please rate your satisfaction with each of the areas below:

  Not at all satisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very satisfied Don't know/not sure
1. Overall sense of community among students
2. Racial/ethnic diversity of the faculty
3. Racial/ethnic diversity of the student body
4. Acceptance of political differences on campus
5. Acceptance of religious differences
6. Acceptance of racial/ethnic differences
7. Acceptance of differences in sexual orientation
8. Socioeconomic diversity of student body
9. Administrative response to incidents of discrimination
10. Administrative response to incidents of sexual assault
11. The curriculum related to diversity

Question Title

* 15. Age

Question Title

* 16. Gender

Question Title

* 17. What is your sexual orientation?

If you chose Heterosexual/Straight for Question 17, skip directly to Question 21.

Question Title

* 18. How would you describe your gender identity?

Question Title

* 19. Have you ever concealed your identity on campus for fear of personal safety, discrimination, or rejection?

Question Title

* 20. What kinds of services or programs regarding LGBTQ issues would you like to have available at CBC in the future?

Question Title

* 21. Ethnicity

Question Title

* 22. Do you identify as multi-racial

Question Title

* 23. About how many college credits have you completed so far?

Question Title

* 24. Have you ever lived in a country other than the US for more than 6 months?

Question Title

* 25. Do you speak any languages other than English?

Question Title

* 26. Please provide your best estimate of your total family income last year. Consider income from all sources before taxes.

Question Title

* 27. Do you identify with a particular religion or spiritual belief system?

Question Title

* 28. In order to be included in the drawing for a gift card (and to help with this research project), please provide your SID below.

Thank you for completing the Multicultural Interest Survey! We hope to be able to share results with you in a month or so. If you have questions or comments, please contact Leonor de Maldonado (Chair, Diversity Committee) at ext. 2422 or Joe Montgomery, Ph.D. (Dean for Institutional Effectiveness) at ext. 2935.