Indoor Tanning Poll

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* How old are you?

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* Have you ever gone indoor tanning?

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* Do you still go?

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* How often do you go?

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* How old were you when you started tanning indoors?

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* Do you know about the dangers of indoor tanning?

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* Did you know about the dangers when you first started tanning?

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* If you used to tan but don't anymore, why did you stop? (Check all that apply.)

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* If you still tan, why do you do it? (Check all that apply.)

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* Has a person working at a tanning salon ever told you that indoor tanning is safe and didn't cause skin cancer?

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* Have you always been told to wear protective eyewear?

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* Have you ever gotten a burn from indoor tanning?

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* If you indoor tan regularly, what would get you to stop? (Check all that apply.)

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* Are you familiar with Cosmo's Practice Safe Sun Campaign?