
Your participation in this survey is completely voluntary and you are under no obligation to complete this survey. There will not be any penalty to medical or support services if you do, or do not, complete this survey. This survey is meant to help reveal current decision making when genetic testing is considered for children with an autism spectrum disorder. In addition, if you have more than one child who qualifies, please provide information about your youngest child.
There is no obvious direct benefit to you or risk to you as the survey is anonymous.
You will not be paid for your voluntary participation. This survey should take about 10-15 minutes to complete.
If you have questions about the survey and your participation, please call Dr. Harrington at 668-7400.

If you have more than one child with an autism spectrum disorder, than we would like to know the information concerning your youngest child who has been diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder. Autism spectrum disorders currently are considered one disorder, but if your child has also been diagnosed as having autism, Aspergers, or pervasive developmental disorder- Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS), then we would also like you to fill out a survey.